Vittoria - Donnafugata
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Between the Hyblaean plateau and the sea

In the lands of the Baroque

In southeastern Sicily, we have chosen an area with a high vocation for producing smooth red wines with a floral soul, unusual wines capable of innovating the way red wine is enjoyed. It is the Vittoria area, the land of a historic and prestigious denomination that includes the first and the only DOCG in Sicily: Cerasuolo di Vittoria

A close look at the Estate

The Territory, the vineyards and the climate

In Vittoria we cultivate our vineyards in the Acate area, in three districts: Biddine Soprana, Biddine Sottana and Isola Cavaliere. The varieties that are cultivated are Nero D’Avola and Frappato, two important indigenous varieties.








Hectares of olive groves


Altitude: from 120 to 150 m a.s.l.; the land descends along a gentle slope and has a southeastern exposure; the composition of the soil is variable with some soil tending towards sandy and interspersed with a substrate of calcareous, porous and crumbly tuffs, which retain a good amount of moisture, and other soils that have a medium mixture tending towards clayey


Espalier system with cordon spur pruning, leaving 6 to 10 buds per plant. Density of 4,000 – 4,500 plants per hectare, with yields ranging from 70 to 80 quintals per hectare.


Warm temperate climate and quite windy even in the summer, thanks to the position of the vineyards between the sea and the Hyblaean mountains; during the crucial phase of ripening, the vineyard benefits from cool “thermal breezes” and good ranges of air temperature variations between day and night. The average rainfall is around 430 mm per year

Artisanal winemaking

The Cerasuolo of Vittoria DOCG

Cerasuolo of Vittoria DOCG is a red wine that is obtained from vineyards in the following proportions: from 50% to 70% of Nero d’Avola and from 30% to 50% of Frappato. The union of these two vines gives the wine a harmonious balance with great finesse. Cerasuolo of Vittoria DOCG is characterized by its cherry-red to purple color. Intense floral and fruity fragrances prevail, full, smooth and harmonious on the palate

The unusual reds

At Vittoria we produce fragrant wines that are extraordinarily pleasant: Floramundi, Bell’Assai and Contesa dei Venti whose labels are a tribute to the artistic tradition of these lands. Medium-bodied reds, with delicate tannins, to be tried fresh in unusual combinations. The cultivated varieties are also an authentic expression of the territory: Frappato, one of the oldest Sicilian varieties, and Nero d’Avola, the king of the red vine varieties of Sicily.

Environmental sustainability

Producing while respecting the environment and the human being

A deep love for the land has always been the soul of Donnafugata. A desire to produce quality wines that respect the environment: “From the vineyard to the bottle, there is no quality without sustainability”

Vittoria winery and sustainable architecture

The new generation of the winery is an example of sustainable architecture: built among the company’s vineyards, it is perfectly integrated into the landscape and offers a fantastic view over the Dirillo river valley.

UN 2030 Agenda
Goal 11- Sustainable towns and communities

Controlled water deficit

At Acate we monitor the water potential of the plants and irrigate the vines according to the principle of controlled water deficit. In this way we reduce the consumption of water, obtaining balanced and quality production

UN 2030 Agenda
Goal 12- Responsible consumption and production

Good practices and sustainable agriculture

We are committed to the eco-sustainable management of agricultural activities: we do not use chemical herbicides and we minimize the use of pesticides, we adopt green manure and organic fertilization

UN 2030 Agenda
Goal 2- End hunger

From the Sustain Sicily Foundation to the UN 2030 Agenda: for sustainable development

Fin out about our commitment


Nero d'Avola

King of the Sicilian red grape varieties, it is successfully cultivated in all the wine-growing areas of the island, showing excellent interaction with the environment. In the Vittoria area, Nero d’Avola is expressed with a medium structure and fine tannins, producing quality wines with a set of fragrances that range from fruity and floral to spicy hints.


Frappato is one of the oldest Sicilian varieties; it thrives in the warm temperate and dry climate that characterizes the territories of Vittoria DOC. The bunch is compact, medium in size, and pyramid-like in shape. The grape has a thin skin; the concentration of aromatic components (terpenes) is high. Generally, Frappato is a wine with a light ruby-red color, with an extraordinarily fragrant bouquet of fruity (strawberries, raspberry, blueberry) and floral (blue, violet, pink flowers) notes. With a light body and not very tannic, it is extremely pleasant, soft, fresh and juicy on the palate.

The Olive Groves

In Acate, on the Ibleo plateau, Donnafugata produces its Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tonda Iblea, with an autochthonous cultivar that takes its name from the round shape of the olive and from its area of origin. The cold extraction and the malaxation conducted at a controlled atmosphere, allow to best preserve the aromatic components of this fruity, full-bodied and enveloping oil.

Find out about Tonda Iblea
Come and visit us in Vittoria

Guided tours, professional tastings and refined combinations with local cuisine await you. Hospitality that you can enjoy from March to December

Visit the Vittoria Estate
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