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Donnafugata & Slow Food

Donnafugata supports new Slow Food projects of the Università di Scienze Gastronomiche and the Banca del Vino and confirms its collaboration with the Foundation for Biodiversity and the Master of Food program.

Collaboration between Donnafugata and Slow Food is being consolidated and enriched through two new projects: the Università di Scienze Gastronomiche (University of Culinary Sciences) and the Banca del Vino (Wine Bank).

The Università di Scienze Gastronomiche (USG) ( represents the fulfillment of one of the most ambitious dreams entertained by the Slow Food movement: to give greater academic dignity to dietary culture. It is a project with an international outreach that first blossomed—not by chance—in Italy. The institution will be based in two extraordinary locations, the Estate of Pollenzo in the hamlet of Bra in Piedmont’s Cuneo province, and the Reggia di Colorno in Parma in Emilia-Romagna. The two sites are extremely significant in terms of the wine/food culture. The USG will train new professionals so that they will be able to interpret and promote the culinary culture not so much from the economic standpoint but, above all, from the humanistic point of view. To do this, the multiple disciplines and numerous activities linked to food, its production, processing and sale, will be united finally and organized to create a university program that will conduct analyses and promote the university’s cultural values. Founded by Slow Food along with the regional governments of Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna, USG receives support from “members” or individual donors and “friends,” the category to which Donnafugata belongs because it deeply shares the values and aims of the project.

The Banca del Vino, which will be installed in the framework of the USG at Pollenzo, will serve as a world showcase for Italy’ outstanding products in the wine sector. Slow Food has invited the country’s finest producers, among them Donnafugata, to “deposit” small quantities of their most representative wines in the establishment’s cellars. Within the framework of its ordinary activities and through special events, the bank will present and offer the deposited wines for tasting by the many wine lovers who will visit the Pollenzo Estate each year. In some cases, the wines will also be sold but in others the bottles will be preserved for many years so that visitors who have the patience to wait will be able to taste old vintages. Donnafugata will deposit Chiarandà, Mille e una Notte and Ben Ryé, three wines that have been appreciated by lovers of premium wines for many years.

The USG and Banca del Vino are to be inaugurated next April 30 at Pollenzo. Slow Food has invited producers, journalists and wine/food personalities to celebrate the launching of the two projects. The festivities will continue for eight days and include guided tours and seminars.

Donnafugata has also confirmed its commitment to support the Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity and the Master of Food program. The Foundation ( promotes dietary biodiversity, the culinary traditions of the entire world, sustainable agriculture, respect for the environment, the cultural identity of peoples and humane treatment of animals. The organization is financing three projects involving promotion of biodiversity: the Arca del Gusto, the Presidi and the Slow Food Award for Biodiversity.

The Master of Food is an entire course of studies involving 17 different disciplines and constituting a complete, in-depth education in taste from wine to breeds of animals, cheeses, chocolate, olive oil, coffee and more. The master’s is an innovative instrument in the framework of instruction in the wine/food sector. The program will be carried out on an itinerant basis so that members of Slow Food’s different sections can participate in the communities where they reside and attend training classes that focus on healthy and indispensable foods and beverages.




Public Relations:

Baldo M. Palermo [email protected] tel. 0039 0923 7242267

Laura Ellwanger [email protected] te. 0039 0923 724258

  • Com-St-04-03-29-SlowFood-ENG.pdf
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