62,000 “hits” in one year, a record for the site operated by the estate, which is now using new technology. Contacts abroad are expanding, especially with the U.S.A. and Japan, confirming the importance of Internet communications.
The policy of investing in the Web, launched in recent years by Donnafugata, has yielded truly important results. A large number of wine-browsers have rewarded the estate in a massive way by dialing up its Internet address, test.donnafugata.it,, thereby deciding to open a major window on the Sicilian quality wine sector and on an estate that embodies a strong spirit of innovation.
The numbers speak for themselves. From April 2005, when a profoundly renovated version of the site was published, until March 2006, “hits” exceeded the level of 62,000. Even more interesting is the fact that the average duration of browsers’ visits to the pages of the Donnafugata site has risen to a peak of eight minutes. Nearly 2,000 persons subscribe to the newsletter, “A tu per tu con Donnafugata.”
The data call attention to two elements: the significant appreciation of browsers for the renewed site as published in 2005 and the success of the work carried out to improve the positioning of the site itself on the principal search engines.
The statistics on access also indicate that contacts from abroad, especially from such countries as the United States and Japan, have grown rapidly, reaching the level of 35% of the total. This confirms the extreme importance of the Internet as an instrument for communications with international markets.
This success has encouraged another relaunching by Donnafugata in concomitance with Vinitaly 2006. The estate will put on-line a renovated version of its site, with new technology as a primary element: Open Source with PhP language and MySqI database for the dynamicization of the pages. This will permit the updating of content in timely fashion and it will assure availability of an easier to use search function.
The novelties extend to graphics, which offer great chromatic impact that will give new emphasis to various elements from the home page at the beginning forward: the new vintage of a wine in the Donnafugata lineup, two news reports in “Primo Piano,” a box dedicated to wine tourism, the principal events in Italy and worldwide and the banner for accessing the “Impresa Natura e Cultura” section.
In addition, the “Media Center” is of special interest. It was created to present, starting from home, videos, photo gallery and high-resolution photos, the last with access reserved to journalists who are reporting developments concerning the most important persons, places and activities on the estate.
The Download section has also been strengthened. Access will be evident—in the bar above the principal menu. The contents will include the profiles of the wines, labels, folders with American, British, German, French and Japanese versions, presentations in power point, wallpapers and tastings in jazz. The “Our Wines” section has been expanded with the description of the sensory characteristics of the wines, vintage by vintage.
“The Internet is an extraordinary communications instrument for reaching our consumers worldwide. The innovations in graphics, the facility of access, the completeness of the information, the beauty of the images and the vast range of services offered are the editorial decisions that we wanted to affirm for our site,” said José Rallo, the estate’s owner. “The quality of consumption is growing because the consumer is more aware and more informed. To continue to be competitive, Donnafugata wants to be able to engage in the best way in a dialogue with those who display a high profile on the market and, from that standpoint, the Web will offer us increasingly interesting opportunities.
Baldo M. Palermo [email protected] phone +39 0923 724226
Laura Ellwanger: [email protected] phone. +39 0923 724258
Nando Calaciura [email protected] mob. +39 338 3229837